Friday, September 17, 2010

Why im not doing videos anymore!

So obviously if your reading this then you took the time to actually check this out. So THANK YOU :)

Now I know that blogs might seem annoying to follow and read but there are alot of amazing makeup artists who rather doing blog's instead of live videos! I decided that i think this is going to be better for me because I feel I can still talk and share about my love you fashion and makeup and it not take as much time. PLEASE dont think I deleted my videos because people at my school found out, maybe 10 people did, and about 4 said soemthing to me about it. They weren't mean about it or anything so that is absolutely is not why (: Simply because this seems like it will be easier. I can still do ALL of the things I did with the videos:
Outfits of the Days
Makeup of the Days
Health tips
and Reviews
and I'll probabley just write random things about life when I need to vent ;)

I hope that noone is mad at me because I stopped, it isnt for forever! and I'm still doing the same thing, just in a diffrent form (: Also some people on Facebook (ADD ME) asked me if it was because I was having drama with other youtuber, and I'm deffently not, this is a totally diffrent subject but i think that youtube should be for fun not for makeing friends that start drama with people who live on the other side of America, haha but I'm all for the makeing friends part ;)
You can still message me on youtube and REQUEST looks or reviews or just to say, you can also do that on facebook (:

Well I'm thinking thats it, but I'm most likely gonna forget to put something in as soon as I post this... hahaha

XOXO Ashleyy

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